MBTC Names Amrit Kirpalani as Emerging Company CEO Finalist for Tech Titans 2012
On July 20th, the MBTC announced Amrit Kirpalani a Finalist for the Emerging Company CEO Tech Titans 2012 award. This is a tremendous honor for me personally and for the entire Nectar Team. The announcement can be found HERE.
For a young, emerging company this type of ‘external’ recognition is important on a number of levels — it helps to bolster our credibility and gain some excellent exposure while also affirming our leadership in the predictive social commerce space. For our current (and future) team members, the recognition is a tremendous boost to our Mission and the hard work that goes into making it come alive everyday!
On behalf of the entire team, I would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to our customers, partners, advisors, and the MBTC for helping us every step of the way.
While the outcome won’t be known until late August, just being on the ‘Finalist’ list is a tremendous honor!
(Husband, Father, Entrepreneur – Loves Life!
Founder & CEO, Nectar Online Media, Inc.)