Dallas Digital Summit 2014 is next week, and we’ll be there on both days to mingle with fellow data driven marketers and digital innovators.
This year’s speakers and agenda are listed here – definitely some notable figures in the digital marketing space that we’re interested to see. If you haven’t registered, it’s not too late. By using the code NECTAR50, you can save $50 from already discounted prices.
nectarOM will also be partnering with marketingpersonalization.com to interview top innovators across various marketing fields, and if you are interested, shoot me an email to reserve a slot.

My Marketing Heroes Contest
Come stop by our booth to hang out and learn more about our #mymarketinghero twitter contest – you and your marketing hero both have a chance to win a set of Apple TVs for the holidays!
It’s easy:
1. Tweet #mymarketinghero is @(hero name), who is yours? #DDSUM14 @nectarom
2. Follow @nectarom
3. You and your hero each have a chance to win an Apple TV!